The internet of things

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Everywhere you look people are on their smart devices. Even at homes there are tiny, smart devices that are able to capture and store information and data. They are able to store information on how we live and what we do. With the rise of new and improved technologies, it is evident that these programs can be programmed to talk and communicate with each other and with people.

The internet of things (IoT) is all about connecting various devices to the internet which allows the devices to communicate to one another and to us. An example of this is a smart fridge that is connected to the internet and allows the device to communicate to its owner when it is out of milk or out of eggs (Kobie 2015). Imagine a world where you can let your oven know that you will be home in an hour so it can heat the oven ready for you when you get home. Smart technologies are connecting us through every aspect of our lives.


Kobie, N 2015, ‘What is the Internet of Things?’, The Guardian, 6 May, viewed 21 October 2015,

5 thoughts on “The internet of things

  1. Hi Sarah! Despite the streamlined utopia that companies present to us in advertisements for IoT connected devices, I can’t help but remain slightly skeptical about the whole thing. I mean seriously, as awesome as talking to my fridge sounds, I don’t really think it sending me alerts that I’m out of milk or eggs is really necessary because I’ve managed to do that myself pretty well for my whole life! This article by James Robinson also provides some interesting skepticism about the inherent issues with the IoT and over-reliance on technology (, and found the analogy he constructed between the IoT and the inautonomous human blobs on the movie Wall.E to be really a suitable analogy for this topic. Personally, I think that in our never-ending quest for convenience, are we losing sight of the importance of the mundane in our everyday lives, and are we eventually just going to turn into utterly incapable human blobs if we embrace the IoT lifestyle? I’m really interested to hear your perspective on this issue ☺

    1. I know you asked for Sarah’s perspective, but here’s mine haha
      Awesome response and I love skepticism to technology. It shows a healthy fear about a loss of control over your life(which i have as well). It is scary when people become over dependent on things to survive.
      But i am completely on the other side of the debate. I think it is amazing that we can delegate annoying tasks such as picking up groceries and have self driving cars solve our transport worries etc
      It leaves us to focus on important tasks, although most of us don’t really have important tasks to focus on so, like that article says, we will become slaves to our slovenly selves.

  2. G’day,
    I found your meme to be really funny, exploring IoT in a quirky, light heart way. Great job on that. It’s quite scary to think how quickly technology is developing, with more and more objects finding their way online. With all these objects now being able to store and send information about us the users, it really makes me question corporation’s surveillance of us.

  3. Hi Sarah,
    What a good choice of meme! It certainly replicates how I felt when listening to Ted’s lecture on the IoT! The whole concept is quite amazing and intriguing, yet when I think about it more, we really shouldn’t be all that surprised. I guess the biggest issue left to question is how it will effect day to day life in the future – will people still experience life in the same way? How about just being human? I think we are becoming too reliant on technology and not necessarily for the better. This article takes a look at the concept from a marketing standpoint and it was quite interesting to see how the IoT influences change in business, you should check it out ( I thought your post was well constructed and thought-out, you’ve done a great job!

  4. Your post is quite succinct and an excellent summary, I think your post would benefit to include your opinion on the IOts and maybe some more incorporation of examples? Do you think some of these objects being connected to the internet is going too far? Your meme was very well chosen and attention capturing, a good little post!

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